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Kamus Ilmiah Populer Lengkap Pdf


Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia

Artikel Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Dalam Bahasa Inggris Pdf ABSTRACT There are many factors that influence the value of learning result of computer accounting course with MYOB from students which so far has not been optimally strived to support the improvement of learning outcomes. Some of the subjects that became the prerequisite of accounting computers are Introduction to Accounting I and English for business. Students of S1 Accounting Study Program have difficulty in obtaining satisfactory value in accounting computer course with MYOB program. This is indicated by the existence of several factors that influence the success of students in obtaining a satisfactory value, so this research is done by looking at the main factors that cause the small amount of the final value of the accounting computer courses with MYOB program. To see the magnitude of the influence of these two factors in this study used multiple regression analysis.