At the moment there is NO WORKING emulator for 3DS 【3D MODE】 Games. I will update this part as soon as a real emulator for 3DS is released. Emu Development progress: 【DS MODE】 can be emulated using several well established emulators.,,, 【Hardware Emu】 Pokemon cartridge format has been successfully copied and backups of the game can be payed from a blank flash card with most features like save games etc working, but no Internet support. 【3DS MODE】 - work in progress. At the moment there is NO WORKING emulator for 3DS 【3D MODE】 Games. I will update this part as soon as a real emulator for 3DS is released. Emu Development progress: 【DS MODE】 can be emulated using several well established emulators.,,, 【Hardware Emu】 Pokemon cartridge format has been successfully copied and backups of the game can be payed from a blank flash card with most features like save games etc working, but no Internet support.