Where Is Adobe Flash Player

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Where Is Adobe Flash Player Rating: 6,7/10 4372 votes
  1. Where Is Adobe Flash Player Settings

Adobe Flash crashes more than any other major software (not including small freewareshareware apps) I have installed on either my Win7 or Win8.1 computers. It crashes at least once a day on both Firefox (my primary browser) and Chrome (secondary), and sometimes crashes as many as 10x in just a few hours if I'm working in a lot of windows with extensive Flash, which I often do in my research work. I used to think it was a memory limitation on my duo core 32 bit Win7 PC with only 3.3 GB of usable memory (4GB installed). But it still does it on my 64 bit Win 8.1 laptop with 8 GB of usable memory, and much less software on it that could be competing for memory. I found that if I rolled my Flash version way back to 10.xx, it stopped crashing.


Where Is Adobe Flash Player Settings

Then Firefox started blocking add-ons that have security vulnerabilities, so I couldn't use Flash at all anymore without upgrading to the latest version. Of course, when I upgrade to later versions of Flash it's back to constantly crashing again - seriously limits my productivity!!