Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • Bullworth Academy [ ] Jimmy's dorm room [ ] On the desk in the far corner of Jimmy's dorm room, after you've completed the mission in Chapter 1. School office [ ] On Miss Danvers' desk just inside the school office in the main building, after you've completed in Chapter 1. Jock Clubhouse [ ] On the west end of the football pitch, after completing the mission in Chapter 4. Old Bullworth Vale [ ] Beach clubhouse [ ] In the small clubhouse building beside the lighthouse near the carnival entrance, once you've completed in Chapter 2. Bullworth Town [ ] Dragon's Wing comics [ ] In the basement of the Dragon's Wing comic store in the center of Bullworth Town, after beating Fatty's high score in the mission in Chapter 3. New Coventry [ ] Greaser hangout [ ] Complete the mission in Chapter 3 to unlock the greaser hangout at the east end of New Coventry. Blue Skies [ ] Townie hangout [ ] On the western side of the Blue Skies Industrial Estate, near the tunnel leading to Happy Volts Asylum, after completing the mission in Chapter 5.
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